Being a single mother and taking care of your kids along with your job and house is quite very difficult. Situation becomes worse if you are dating a transsexual man. Dating a transsexual man isn’t easy especially when you are a single mother and all the responsibilities of your kids are only belongs to you. There are many things that you need to take care while dating a transsexual man. It’s not a regular dating and if you tell anyone about your tranny date, it takes time to understand or accept this about your transsexual date.
It’s not a regular dating and you are not dating a cis man. So there are things that you have to take care of. Not only for you but your transgender date will also affect your kids behavior and you also need to have your kids views that what they think about transsexual dating if they understand the things quite well.
Here are few tips about trans dating for single parent dating a transsexual man. if you are one fo them and need some essential tips, here are the best tips for you.
1. Never disclose about your transsexual date or your transsexual dating partner unless you are very sure about your transsexual date.
It is one of the most important and essential thing that you must take care of. You are not dating a regular cis gender that you can tell anyone. It’s a transsexual date and you have to be bit wise about this. The best thing is never disclose your dating secrets to anyone unless you are very sure about your future with your dating partner.
2. Never hide anything from your kids that where are you going and how much time will it take
It is quite important that you don’t need to hide anything from your kids about your schedule or planning if you are going out with your dating partner. Share all your plans that where you are going and when you will back to home. It is mandatory to make the good relations between you and your kids.
3. Don’t do anything that you won’t expect from your kids
If you are not accepting that your kids will do night out with his or her college friends than this rule is also based on you. You also don’t have to do the same things that you won’t expect from your kids.
4. Introduce your Trans dating partner as a friend or a business partner
It is time to introduce your transsexual friend to your kids as your friend or a business partner. Make sure that you are not introducing her as your dating partner. Check the relation between your kids and transsexual friend. Are they dealing quite fine with each other, if yes than it’s a good sign for you and after sometime or days you can disclose your transsexual dating to your kids?
Hope these tips helps you to deal with your transsexual dating being a single mother.